Mayra Andrade “Lovely Difficult” nominated for “Best World Music Album ” Victoires de la Musique award 2014.

Lovely Difficult the latest album of Mayra Andrade is nominated in the category “Best World Music Album” for the french award Victoires de la Musique 2014.

Established by the French Ministry of Culture these awards recognize the best achievements in music in France and distinguish the artists of the year .

Lovely Difficult is the fourth album of Mayra Andade and was released in 2013. The first single ” We used to call it love ” and had immediate sucess by the public and the critics.

About its most pop-oriented, the singer songwriter stated recently “all music lives from blend and openness to others”. Mayra wanted the album to be revolutionary but simultaneously accessible, pop and bold, eclectic and personal. Lovely Difficult displays independence and individuality, without any stylistic and linguistic barriers.

Congratulations, Mayra Andrade!